Pure CBD Isolate Products
Potency CBD Tincture
Pin High CBD for Golf
Pin High CBD for Golf



MIN 3,000mg CBD Tincture
MIN 5,000mg Cream






When choosing a CBD Product, the following inter-related factors are critical to consider, as the industry currently is essentially without regulation.


 PIN HIGH CBD, LLC believes that the best choice for CBD is Isolate, as the CBD molecule is the most physiologically active and researched of the over 100 phytocannabinoids from the cannabis plant.  Choosing an Isolate (as opposed to Full or Broad Spectrum CBD) is our preference and is the beginning criterion in the search for purity.  Best manufacturing practices, including seed to bottle oversight, tracing and tracking of all ingredients, and organic farming, along with quality control lab testing and independent third party audits complete the requirements we sought, and led to our relationship with Vermont Hemp Processing (VHP).

Value for our customers is enhanced as a result of our business plan of competitive pricing and continuous discounts for members of golf associations, leagues and other organizations.

Focusing on potency, the lowest strength CBD tincture we sell is 3000 mg.  This reflects our desire to make sure our customers are taking a dose that is sufficient to expect a clinical benefit.  Our muscle and joint cream has the highest mg content of CBD in the market.  In the future, we will further increase the strengths available.

VHP is our manufacturer and processor of premium hemp in partnership with USA farmers- processing only certified and compliant, organic industrial hemp biomass.  At their pharmaceutical grade, GMP facility in Wisconsin, they take the specially grown plants through an extraction process using supercritical CO2, isolating for us pure CBD.   Their use of supercritical CO2 for extraction, as opposed to ethanol, while more expensive, maintains as much of the genetic profile of the plant as possible.  It also ensures that there is no contamination from chemicals or trace elements in a solvent, nor cross contamination from the reuse of chemicals.  In addition, Fractional Distillation Columns are used to produce unmatched purity at 99+%.

CBD Products for Golfer


“I was taking 2-3 800mg Ibuprofen capsules daily to address chronic discomfort from years of mountain bike and road cycling crashes.  Dr. Cohen suggested I try CBD Tincture as an alternative.  Over a month I gradually stopped the ibuprofen and have continued to use the tincture solely each morning.  My previous chronic discomfort has vanished. I continue cycling and also use CBD cream for sore muscles. In addition, Dr. Cohen’s Pin High CBD is prepared to the highest pharmaceutical standards insuring the highest quality products.”

Bob W

In the last year my arthritic knees have been very uncomfortable especially my left knee. I have tried Chondroitin, Glucosamine, and Voltaren cream with no measurable relief to allow me to walk the dog and play golf. Knee replacement is probably in my future but most Orthopedic physicians (good ones) will tell you to postpone knee replacement as long as you can. CBD Muscle and Joint Relief Gel 5000 mg, made by Pin High CBD has been the first product that actually relieved my discomfort well enough to enjoy my walks with the dog and golf. I highly recommend it for relief of sore knees.

Mike M - Orlando

The CBD tincture is working wonders.  All my joints are 75% better, can do squats without discomfort… This is crazy, I feel like skipping and running.  Even my hands are free of discomfort.
Chris, Ponte Vedra

I just wanted to tell you how great your CBN product is.  My wife has had trouble sleeping for years.  Since starting CBN, she sleeps like a baby and so do I.  We both have reduced our dosage of melatonin and are sleeping great!
Keep up the good work.  When you advised that CBN was the best solution, it may be the best advice I ever received.  Thanks again.

Ted - North Carolina

Pin High CBD LLC - PO Box 298 - Glenville, North Carolina 28736 - Email: [email protected] - Phone: 828-743-8191

Any statement made by Pin High CBD has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.