by | May 24, 2022 | PRESS RELEASES | 0 comments

Glenville, NC-Pin High CBD (PHCBD) announces the launch of their new offering the finest CBD isolate products.

Golf is like life-we know not as important, but nevertheless both are anxiety and stress provoking, produce pain, and teach the importance of resilience. Golf and life require the development of a sense of calm and focus, and a desire and commitment to improvement.

We believe that cannabinoids (chemicals derived from the hemp plant) can improve cognitive function and focus, produce a calming, relaxant, and anti-anxiety effect and through their potent anti-inflammatory activity-lessen pain.

PHCBD’s focus is purity, quality, and potency, and our mission is to provide high value in our preparations. Currently, most companies in the marketplace sell Full or Broad-Spectrum CBD (may contain traces of THC-the psychoactive cannabinoid). Ours contain no THC, and we have the ability to add other cannabinoids, based on their desired activity, in known amounts during our manufacturing process.

Our “pharmaceutical grade” CBD with quality control enhanced by vigorous lab testing allows the user to feel secure in knowing there are no contaminants or toxins present in our tinctures, creams, and aerosols.

Playing golf, many experience back pain, overuse injuries of the shoulders, elbow, and wrist due to the strain of repetition on muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. As well, the anxiety and stress of competition might compromise a player’s ability to perform. A remedy that can decrease pain, enhance recovery, diminish stress and anxiety, create a sense of calm in the face of adversity, and increase focus can provide a benefit and significant edge for the player.

Pin High CBD is that remedy!

For Media Inquiries Contact:
Stan Denenberg
Email: [email protected]