“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” Albert Einstein
Interesting Articles
Leading the Next CBD Wave—Safety and Efficacy
Cannabidiol (CBD), a phytocannabinoid with potential medicinal properties, has recently hit all levels of society with tidal wave force that very few saw coming. After being virtually unknown by most people not even a decade ago, CBD is now in the general lexicon with...
CBD The New Hot and Totally Unregulated Supplement
Gaining popularity with the consumer pursuing alternative remedies, the rise of CBD supplements has skyrocketed in the past few years. CBD can be used in every product imaginable. However, some consumers may still be asking: “What is CBD? And why should it matter to...
Salk researchers find cannabinol preserves mitochondrial function and prevents oxidative damage to cells LA JOLLA—Decades of research on medical cannabis has focused on the compounds THC and CBD in clinical applications. But less is known about the therapeutic...